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Funeral Home Advice For Talking About Cremation With Your Family

  • On March 15, 2021

Once you start to think about organizing your own final services, you might want to get help from the professionals at funeral homes in Crafton, PA so you can get the information you need to make the right decision. If you decide that cremation is the right thing for you, it’s a good idea to tell your family about your plans so they know what to expect when the time comes. Talking about your own eventual death isn’t the most comfortable thing, but it’s important for your family to hear what you want from you. Here are some tips to help you get through the conversation.

Carve Out Time

If your family is stopping by to drop something off, it’s not a good time to bring up the topic. You should do it sometime when you have some time on your hands so the discussion can be had in full. You want to let them know what you want and leave time for them to ask questions or offer ideas. You can tell them why you want what you want and make sure they understand your thought process. While it’s not an easy discussion, you will be glad you’ve had it once it’s behind you.

Don’t Be Shy About What You Want

This is your chance to tell your family what you want for your final services. Don’t be shy about being upfront about it. Tell them you want to be cremated and let them in on the final resting place you would like as well. Even if you make the plans in advance, your family will be the ones carrying out at least parts of the plans. They should know what you want and why. Hearing it from you, they will likely want to follow your wishes when the time comes.

cremation services in Coraopolis, PA

Be Ready For Questions

If your family takes your plans and leaves it at that, wonderful. But your family might also have questions. They might want to know why you want to be cremated or why you want to be scattered in the park. Be ready to field questions and think through your answers to any possible questions beforehand so you know what you will say. Being open about what you want and what your family needs to know will help the conversation go well.

It’s important to you to put together final service plans with funeral homes in Crafton, PA, and that can be a wonderful thing for your family in the future. However, it’s also nice for them if you sit down with them and talk through what you want so they can hear the plans directly from you. The professionals at Pittsburgh Cremation & Funeral Care can give you more tips about talking through the eventual future with your family members so they aren’t surprised by what you want when the time comes. Give us a call and we’ll give you ideas and questions to get through the conversation.

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